As with our EuroPython conference, we are holding the General Assembly (GA) of the EuroPython Society (EPS) online for this year.
Normally, we’d have the General Assembly at the EuroPython conference. Due to the difficulties in switching from in-person to online, the board decided to first focus on the conference and run the GA after the event in a separate session.

General Assembly
In accordance with our bylaws, we are calling for the EuroPython Society General Assembly to be held on September 20th 2020, from 18:00 - 20:00 CEST. As with the EuroPython conference, we will use a Zoom meeting to hold the event and send around the URL closer to the event.
We will publish the agenda with all motions put forward by the board and the members on Saturday, 2020-09-05.
All reports for the GA will be published on Saturday, 2020-09-12, to give the members enough time to read them and prepare questions. We’ll then answer any questions at the GA.
Board Nominations
Since we will be voting on a new board of directors at the GA, we would like to call for nominations or self-nominations from the EPS members. We have up to 9 seats available on the board (including chair and vice chair). We’ll publish a first list on 2020-08-21 and a second, more complete list on 2020-08-30.
If you would like to run as a board member, please send your nomination text to Similar to our previous GAs, the text should include your name, a short tag line, your bio and a paragraph on what you think you should be voted in as EPS director. You can look at our previous year’s candidate list for examples.
Deadline for candidate submissions which will be published on 2020-08-30 is Saturday, 2020-08-29.
Please note that our bylaws do not restrict nominations to people on this list. It is even possible to self-nominate or nominate other candidates at the GA itself. However, in the interest of giving members a better chance to review the candidate list, we’d like to encourage all nominations to be made before the GA.
Motions by the Members
EuroPython Society Members can propose motions to be put forward and voted on at the General Assembly.
If you want to put forward a motion, please send this to no later than Friday, 2020-09-04, so that we can add them to the agenda.
Announce GA date and online location, ask for board nominations and motions by the members
Deadline for board nominations which will go on the board candidate list
Publish board candidate list
Deadline for motions put forward by EPS members
Publish agenda for GA, with all known motions, ask for candidates for: GA chair, secretary and two checkers, auditor and replacement
Publish annual report, financial report, auditor report, budget
2020-09-20 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
General Assembly Online
Many thanks,
EuroPython Society