Contact the EPS

EuroPython Society Board (EPS Board)

The EuroPython Society board can be reached by email via one of the following addresses:

Both addresses are redirected to the board mailing list, which is setup as moderated list. Please allow a day or two for the moderators to approve first time emails to this list.

EuroPython Privacy Inquiries

For privacy related questions and requests, we have setup the following email address:

Emails to this address will go to both the EPS Board and the EuroPython helpdesk for added attention.

EuroPython Sponsor Contact

If you are interested in sponsoring at EuroPython conferences, please contact:

The sponsoring team will then get in touch with you to discuss the possibilities and details.

EuroPython Press Contact

Members from the press are invited to direct inquiries to this email address:

Follow the EuroPython Society

You can follow us on the following social networks and feeds:

or use one of the other available EuroPython conference resources:

EuroPython Society Postal Address

EuroPython Society
Ramnebacken 45
424 38 Agnesberg