This version of the EPS bylaws was in effect from July 2016 until the General Assembly on 2017-07-13. For the current version of the bylaws, please see this page.
Bylaws of the EuroPython Society (EPS)
1. The name of the society is “The EuroPython Society”, abbreviated “EPS”.
2. The society is a non-profit society (ideel förening) under Swedish law. The purpose of the EPS is to further the use of the programming language Python in Europe and organize events centered around the programming language Python to support this.
3. The legal residence of the board is in Göteborg, Sweden
4. Membership is open to individuals who wish to actively engage in implementing the EPS mission.
5. To become a member, the applicant must submit an application to the board of the society. The board accepts or declines the application by a simple majority vote at its next meeting. The board may delegate the right to accept membership application to one or more individual board members, but denial of membership must always be done by a vote of the board.
6. The formal decision making bodies of the society are
- The General Assembly
- The Board
7. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the society. It meets in a regular annual meeting and in extra sessions when called.
All decisions of the General Assembly are made by simple majority among the voting members. Members may vote by proxy or submit written votes in specific issues to the board. All written votes must be declared by the chair person at the beginning of the meeting. If there is a draw between two proposals a second vote shall be made. If that one fails, the issue shall be decided by the drawing of lots.
8. At the annual meeting of the General Assembly the following items of business must be on the agenda:
- Opening of the meeting
- Selection of chair person, secretary and 2 checkers of the minutes for the meeting
- Motion establishing the timeliness of the call to the meeting
- Presentation of the annual report and annual accounts by the board
- Presentation of the report of the auditor
- Discharge from liability for the board
- Election of chair person of the board
- Election of members of the board
- Election of one auditor and one replacement. The auditor does not have to be certified in any way and is normally selected among the members of the society.
- The optional election of a nomination committee for the next annual meeting of the General Assembly
- Presentation of a budget by the outgoing board
- Acceptance of budget and decision on membership fees for the upcoming year
- Propositions from the board
- Motions from the members
- Closing of the meeting
9. An extra meeting of the General Assembly must be called by the board when requested by
- a member of the board
- the auditor or the auditor replacement
- at least one fourth of the members of the society
The meeting must be held within 28 days of the request. At an extra meeting of the General Assembly the following items of business must be on the agenda:
- Opening of the meeting
- Selection of chair person, secretary and 2 checkers of the minutes for the meeting
- Motion establishing the timeliness of the call to the meeting
- The item of business that was the reason for the extra meeting
- Propositions from the board
- Motions from the members
- Closing of the meeting
An extra meeting of the general assembly may make decisions on any issue that has been duly announced, including the election of a new board, changing of membership fees and modifications of the bylaws.
10. Meetings of the General Assembly must be called at least 14 days before they are to be held. Propositions of the board and motions of the members must be made available to all members at least 5 days before the meeting.
The General Assembly may not make decisions on items of business that were not announced in due course before its meetings.
11. Meetings of the General Assembly may be called by postal or electronic mail. It is up to each member to keep the board informed of current addresses for both forms.
12. Meetings may be held in person, by telephone conference or over the Internet, using a text or audio based format. It is up to the board to decide the form of the meeting, subject to limitations imposed by the General Assembly. Under all circumstances the selection of medium for meetings should be made to ensure that all members have a chance to exercise their rights to vote and have a voice in the affairs if the society.
13. The board consists of a chair person and 2-8 board members.
14. The board handles all day-to-day business of the EPS. It is allowed to enter contracts for the society and handle any issues that have not been otherwise regulated in the bylaws or by the General Assembly.
15. The chair person of the board together with any one member of the board has the authority to sign for the society. The authority to sign for the society may be delegated to individual board members through a decision of the board.
16. The board may within itself select officers for special functions. However, the board as a whole is responsible for the activities and finances of the society.
17. The fiscal year of the EPS is from 1 January to 31 December.
18. A member may at any time terminate the membership by informing the board in writing.
19. A member is automatically considered to have terminated the membership if the membership fee has not been paid within three months after the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
20. A member that acts against the interests of the society may be suspended by a majority decision of the board. The member may then be expelled from the society at a meeting of the General Assembly by a regular vote.
21. The society may be dissolved by the General Assembly if two thirds of the present voting representatives vote for the dissolution. If the motion to dissolve the society passes, the General Assembly has to decide on the disposition of the assets of the society.
22. If the society at any time has less than two members or if it for a continuous period spanning two annual General Assembly meetings has less than five members, the society is automatically dissolved. In such a case, any assets shall be donated to the Python Software Foundation. If that organisation no longer exists, the assets shall go to the Red Cross.
23. Any motion to amend the bylaws of the society has to be submitted with the actual wording of the proposed change. The General Assembly may modify the proposal in details before passing it, as long as the general intent of the motion is unchanged. A motion to change the bylaws must be supported by at least two thirds of the present voting representatives in order to pass.
- The above version of the bylaws had been in effect from the General Assembly on 2016-07-21 until the General Assembly on 2017-07-13.
- Previous versions of the bylaws: 2015-2016, 2014 - 2015, 2004 - 2014.